“Financial Information Security, Current Priority of NAECCS”

On December 21, 2022,  the General Director of NAECCS, at the same time the National Coordinator for cyber security Mr. Igli Tafa, held the meeting on the topic “Financial information security, the current priority of NAECCS”, with participants from the highest security managers in the banking sectors and financial.

The purpose of the meeting was to address the need to apply additional measures for the protection and provision of citizens’ financial information, as a focus of the Albanian Government and a current priority of NAECCS.

During the meeting, the need for qualified human resources to cover information security functions was emphasized, as well as the need for transparency and information exchange in case of cyber incidents affecting critical information infrastructures at the national level.

The general director of NAECCS recommended some key measures for the participants, to increase the level of security, as well as the need to establish the Banking / Sectoral CSIRT, having a common SOC, to prevent incidents. Also, Mr. Tafa confirmed that public notification in case of incidents is necessary to avoid panic and conjecture about the situation.

The meeting ended with the establishment of common objectives for increasing the level of security for the protection of citizens’ financial information, in terms of increasing transparency, establishing secure communication channels and strengthening trust.

Cyber Security, a National Priority!